
2021年6月20日—GooglePlayIconDesignSpecifications·Size:512pxx512px·Format:32-bitPNG·ColorSpace:sRGB·MaxFileSize:1024KB·Shape:FullSquare.,32-bitPNG(withalpha)·Dimensions:512pxby512px·Maximumfilesize:1024KB·MeetsGooglePlay'sicondesignspecifications·Donotincludebadgesortext ...,2019年7月20日—如果純粹把整個adaptivelaunchericon縮放到512×512px是錯誤的,應該要為GooglePlayicon重新調整icon內的圖形。Goog...

A Guide to Google Play Store App Icon Requirements

2021年6月20日 — Google Play Icon Design Specifications · Size: 512px x 512px · Format: 32-bit PNG · Color Space: sRGB · Max File Size: 1024KB · Shape: Full Square.

Add preview assets to showcase your app

32-bit PNG (with alpha) · Dimensions: 512px by 512px · Maximum file size: 1024KB · Meets Google Play's icon design specifications · Do not include badges or text ...

Android App Icon 規格

2019年7月20日 — 如果純粹把整個adaptive launcher icon 縮放到512 × 512px 是錯誤的,應該要為Google Play icon 重新調整icon 內的圖形。 Google Play icon 連格線範例 ...

Android App Icon 規格. 這篇文章整理了不同icon…

2019年7月19日 — 如果純粹把整個adaptive launcher icon 縮放到512 × 512px 是錯誤的,應該要為Google Play icon 重新調整icon 內的圖形。 ... size banner as its launcher ...

Design Android App Logo

2023年11月3日 — Google Play Icon Size Requirements · App icon size must be within 512 x 512 pixels. · In 32-bit PNG format. · Color space is sRGB. · Max file ...

Designing Android App Icon for Google Play

Design Requirements for Google Play: Size: 512px x 512px. Format: 32-bit PNG. Color space: sRGB. Max file size: 1024KB.

Google Play Badges

The Google Play badge should be the same size or larger than other application store badges. Badges must be shown on a solid colored background or a simple ...

Google Play icon design specifications

2022年4月11日 — Final size: 512px x 512px; Format: 32-bit PNG; Color space: sRGB; Max file size: 1024KB; Shape: Full square – Google Play dynamically handles ...

Introducing a new Google Play app and game icon ...

2019年3月15日 — Icon assets will remain the same size (512 x 512), but transparent backgrounds will no longer be allowed. Google Play on Android and Chrome OS ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
